Part 2: Pandemics and Society


Provide learners with the following resources. These materials can be presented during class-time or as pre-class homework. 

How Pandemics Change History an interview with Frank M. Snowden author of the book “Epidemics and Society: From the Black Death to the Present”.

Healthy Davis Together Documentary

Discussion or Writing

Lead a group discussion or assign written reflections based on the learners’ experiences with this lesson. Prompts include:

Consider this quote from the NY Times article: “The main part of preparedness to face these events is that we need as human beings to realize that we’re all in this together, that what affects one person anywhere affects everyone everywhere, that we are therefore inevitably part of a species, and we need to think in that way rather than about divisions of race and ethnicity, economic status, and all the rest of it.” 

  1. Share your thoughts on how the Healthy Davis Together response to the COVID-19 pandemic did or did not reflect this strategy recommended by Snowdon in the quote above.
  2. Share your thoughts on how the lessons learned and knowledge gained in response to the COVID-19 pandemic could be applied to the purpose of preparing for future pandemic events in a manner that reflects the sentiments of the quote above. 

Consider this quote from The World Bank Report "Putting Pandemics Behind Us: Investing in One Health to Reduce Risks of Emerging Infectious Diseases": “The number of emerging infectious disease (EID) outbreaks has grown to several hundred per year since 2000. Recent diseases such as SARS, avian influenza, Ebola – and the enormous health, economic, and societal impacts of COVID-19 – have not yet solicited global unity on the importance of preventing pandemics rather than responding to outbreaks as they emerge.”*

  1. Consider the One Health approach in the context of pandemic prevention and preparedness and identify a factor at the intersection of human-animal-environmental health which, if altered at a global scale, could contribute to both a more sustainable and equitable world and reduce risks of future pandemic events. 
    1. Share your reasoning as to why this factor could be an important area of emphasis for policy, investment, and innovation. 
    2. Share your perspective on how hopeful you are that cooperation to address this factor at the global level is achievable.

*Note: this prompt is most appropriate for learners who have participated in all four lessons provided in this resource, or who have otherwise gained experience with a One Health approach.
