Part 2: Valley Fever Communications Project


Working individually or in groups, learners will complete the following scenario tasking them with developing valley fever communication tools using a One Health Approach. Learners will review and evaluate three county-funded public health websites to determine themes present in their communications on Valley fever. Provide learners with the Valley Fever Communications Project handout to guide their work or modify the handout as needed for your audience. Follow this activity with a group share out and discussion using the prompts provided. 


You have been recruited by the UC Davis Health Center for Valley Fever ( to use a One Health approach to develop communication tools to increase awareness of the disease in Yolo County.

Your first task is to review and evaluate three county-funded public health websites to determine themes present in their communications on Valley fever.

  1. Fresno County:
  2. San Luis Obispo County:
  3. Tulare County:

Review and evaluate each of these websites based on the categories provided below.

  1. Accessibility and engagement
  2. Use of a One Health approach.
  3. Ability to connect with at-risk populations.
  4. Accommodation of generational, language, cultural, educational, or socio-economic differences.
  5. Information that supports behavior change to reduce risk.

Prepare several points to contribute to the class discussion based on your review. These may include:

  1. Strengths and weaknesses of each site.
  2. Similarities and key differences between sites.
  3. How well was the One Health approach applied by each site?
  4. What key changes would you recommend for each site?


Lead a group discussion based on the learners’ reviews of the three websites. Discussion prompts include:

  1. Strengths and weaknesses of each site.
  2. Similarities and key differences between sites.
  3. How well was the One Health approach applied by each site?
  4. What key changes would you recommend for each site?