Part 3: c. Auris and the One Health Approach


Provide learners with the following paper: Climate change, animals, and Candida auris: insights into the ecological niche of a new species from a One Health approach.

Depending on the experience level of your learners, you may wish to ask them to read and annotate the paper on their own, or you may wish to walk them through some of the key concepts in the paper with the provided PPT. 

Ask learners to generate lists of potential factors related to humans, animals, plants, and the environment that may contribute to the risk of a global health event caused by c. Auris. Learners should also be encouraged to highlight the intersections between these factors. You may consider having them use a Venn diagram or other graphical organizer to display their work. 

Power Point Presentation

Download the PowerPoint Presentation here.


It is recommended that you provide learners with time for reflection at the end of the activity period. Reflections may be written or verbal. Potential reflection questions include:

  1. Where do you think there are particularly important intersections between human/environmental/animal factors and how did these factors contribute to the current risks c.Auris presents to human health? 
  2. Share how you envision our educational systems, from elementary through advanced degrees, might be adapted to help the next generation understand, prepare for, prevent, and respond to complex global health events?
  3. Share how you envision our health systems may need to be adapted to better support the cross-disciplinary collaboration necessary in taking a One Health approach to global health events.